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The Amazing Queen: Winning With Your Queens
Clement Wong

Avoid Bidding Disasters: Win by Steering Clear of Trouble
Danny Roth

Big Deal: A Memoir From the Wonderful World of Bridge
Augie Boehm

Boost Your Bidding to a Higher Level
Danny Roth

Bridge Smarts: A Path to Bridge Success
Augie Boehm

Declarer Play: Break Out of the Pack
Danny Roth

Defense: Break Out of the Pack
Danny Roth

Demon Defense and Demon Doubling: Defend With Skill and Double for Keeps
Augie Boehm

Disrupt the Defenders
Danny Roth

Expert Hand Evaluation
Augie Boehm

Find the Play the Experts Missed
Danny Roth

Improve Your Defense as West
Danny Roth

Masterpiece Deals: A Gallery of Beautiful Card Play
Augie Boehm

Matchpoints Versus IMPs: Different Games, Different Strategies
Augie Boehm

More Breaking the Rules: Second Hand Play
Barry Rigal and Josh Donn

Outsmart the Bridge Experts
Danny Roth

Private Sessions: A Bridge Education
August W. Boehm

Test Your Bidding Against the Experts
Danny Roth

Test Your Bridge Analysis Against the Experts
Danny Roth

Test Your Bridge Brain Against the Experts
Danny Roth

Test Your Opening Leads Against the Experts
Danny Roth

Test Your Play and Defense Against the Experts
Danny Roth

Three Notrump in Depth
Augie Boehm

Wielding the Axe: The Vanishing Art of the Penalty Double
Augie Boehm


The Amazing Queen:
Winning With Your Queens

Clement Wong


156 pp.


The first bridge book on winning by skillful bidding and play surrounding the queens, from queen camouflage to queen sacrifice (both real and sham) to queen defense, inspired by the author's 1993 Bols Tip of Queening your Defence. Covers bidding, declarer play, opening leads and responses, exit cards, entries, and defense with strong trumps. Clear, to-the-point analyses of nearly 100 hands, many played by international experts.

"A collection of entertaining deals in which queens play a critical role in the bidding, play or defense....The defensive examples are especially striking."
--Paul Linxwiler, ACBL Bridge Bulletin

"One of the most original and most interesting publications of recent years."
--Jan van Cleeff, IMP Bridge Magazine



Avoid Bidding Disasters:
Win by Steering Clear of Trouble

Danny Roth


148 pp.


It has been proven many times that winning at bridge at all levels is not about being brilliant but far more about not being stupid. If you read reports of matches and tournaments, there will be the occasional spectacular play or defense, but for every one of those, there will be a whole string of very bad decisions, particularly in the bidding. If those can be avoided, countless trophies can be won, even without the brilliancies.

In each chapter, I shall give a number of examples of hands bid by "experts" and invite you to choose your bid. In the Solutions section of each chapter, I shall then show you what happened and assign a score from 1 to 10 for each alternative.

Remember that this is a game of odds, and even the most perfect player--not that such an individual has ever existed--cannot be right all the time. But be assured that, if you have bid according to my criteria, your bad boards will be far outnumbered by your successes and that you will be better equipped to accurately navigate auctions and avoid disasters.



Big Deal:
A Memoir From the Wonderful World of Bridge

Augie Boehm


148 pp.

Ships only to US addresses


For newcomers to bridge, the book provides an interesting background of the world's greatest card game. For experienced players and tournament veterans, there are many nostalgic reminiscences--all in the lively, conversational style that has made Augie one of the most successful players, writers, and teachers in bridge.



Boost Your Bidding
to a Higher Level


Danny Roth


158 pp.


Bidding is all about learning a language: how to communicate and understand. Over the years, bidding languages or, "systems," have become more explicit and accurate than they were in decades past, and thus players joining clubs and entering tournaments need to be familiar with, at least, basic bidding in current use. It is particularly important to be able to judge the quality, or trick-taking potential, of a hand, both at offense and defense. The vast majority of bidding disasters occur in competitive situations, notably in deals where there is a lot of distribution around and close decisions with potentially expensive costs need to be made. This book teaches readers how to avoid mistakes in these areas.

The book works its way through uncontested and contested auctions, emphasizing the importance of anticipation of final contract, whether it is played by the reader and his or her partner or by opponents. Hopefully, many pitfalls will be avoided away from the table, when they do not cost, rather than in the heat of the battle, when they painfully do.



Bridge Smarts:
A Path to Bridge Success

Augie Boehm


140 pp.


Winner of the 2016 Beginner-Intermediate ABTA Book Award
Bridge success is the result of many factors talent, knowledge, experience, and, to a surprising extent, luck. But there are other, perhaps less obvious, factors that are well within your control, such as maintaining stamina, an even temperament, and concentration. What to focus on? Start with evaluating what your hand is worth as an auction develops. No supercomputer brain needed; just an ability to add and subtract from 13 plus memory, deduction, and analysis. This book will help you become a better bridge thinker by exploring the nuances of hand evaluation. Good evaluation produces better judgment. The book's numerous problems and quizzes provide you with the opportunity to test that judgment and show off your bridge smarts.



Declarer Play:
Break Out of the Pack

Danny Roth


146 pp.


The key to good declarer play is to make use of information not only from the bidding, but from the play of the early tricks, especially the first one or two. This involves knowing how many rounds of each suit are likely to be played; how many of those are likely to be won or lost; whether the tricks lost will be to East or West--in this book, declarer is South--and whether that matters; and probabilities of how suits will break and of both the potential and certain winners being in East or West hands. A lot to keep track of!

This book will help intermediate-level players focus on what is relevant, with over 80 illustrative hands, including 56 problems in declarer play for the reader to work out him- or herself. (Don't worry: solutions are provided.) For each example, I shall explain how the above principles apply to the play of each hand, to arrive at the right play at the crucial moment(s), at speeds acceptable at the table. When you can do this, you are well on your way to being at the top of your game and on top of your opponents!



Break Out of the Pack

Danny Roth


130 pp.


The key to good defense is to make use of information not only from the bidding, but also from the play of the early tricks, especially the first one or two. This involves knowing how many rounds of each suit are likely to be played; how many of those are likely to be won or lost; whether the tricks won will be to East or West--in this book, declarer is South--and whether that matters; and probabilities of how suits will break and of both the potential and certain winners being in East of West hands. A lot to keep track of!

This book will help intermediate-level players focus on what is relevant, with 66 illustrative hands, including 56 problems in defense play for the reader to work out him- or herself. (Don't worry: solutions are provided.) For each example, I shall explain how the above principles apply to the play of each hand, to arrive at the right play at the crucial moment(s), at speeds acceptable at the table. When you can do this, you are well on your way to being at the top of your game and on top of your opponents!



Demon Defense and Demon Doubling:
Defend With Skill and Double for Keeps

Augie Boehm


172 pp.


This book teaches the principles of good defense. When you feel reasonably confident about your ability to defend, you will feel more secure in doubling the opponents. Successful penalty doubles are a sure way to improve your performance. Using the Socratic method, the book links defense to penalty doubles in a sequential progression. This book will have strong appeal to tournament players of intermediate ability.

Many important corners are explored that are not available elsewhere in the literature.
--Allan Truscott, The New York Times

Boehm does include all of the key elements [of defense] .... Penalty doubles are covered comprehensively.
--Phillip Alder, syndicated columnist



Disrupt the Defenders

Danny Roth


132 pp.


Countless contracts fail because declarers allow defenders to have it their own way. This book covers situations in which defenders have the potential to restrict your trick-taking but where you can stop them, most notably by disrupting their communications. Tactics include:

      When and how often to duck tricks
      Arranging blockages
      Keeping dangerous hands off lead
      Solving entry problems
      Avoiding ruffs and trump promotions
      Preventing opponents from drawing your trumps
         when you are trying to organize ruffs

It will be seen that, for all these factors, correct timing is essential, notably in respect to losing tricks to a particular defender at an appropriate moment.

Sixty-four quizes give you the chance to demonstrate your new-found knowledge.



Expert Hand Evaluation

Augie Boehm


142 pp.


If bidding were as simple as counting high-card points, most of us would have lost interest in bridge a long time ago. Appreciating the life-long challenge of a game immune to mastery, experts are always trying to hone their bidding judgment.

This book's aim is to help you develop good bidding judgment by refining and improving your hand evaluation, which is the bedrock of good bidding. Learning the requirements for everyday sequences suffices to solve a great many situations -- but often not when a borderline hand falls into the gray zone. Then, it is important to understand what your hand is worth. And that's the main point of Part I of this book. Part II explores using judgment for potentially problematic bidding sequences not neatly resolved by your bidding toolbox. Applying the hand-evaluation judgment learned in Part I will help you think outside the box.



Find the Play the Experts Missed

Danny Roth


156 pp.


This is the eighth installment in Danny Roth's Blunders series, featuring hands (mis)played by experts and reported by experts in the press who have either misanalyzed or missed the point of the hand altogether. The book features 70 problems on play and defense as well as opening leads. The last 21 problems are more difficult, bringing the reader into the awkward endplay and squeeze zones with the challenge to place the unseen cards and look well ahead to anticipate problems, remembering that both techniques take many forms.



Improve Your Defense as West

Danny Roth


174 pp.


The most important difference between sitting West and East arises from the fact that, as West, you are playing after South (assuming he is on lead) with the open hand behind you, so that you are far more knowledgeable as to what you are up against than when you are sitting East and dummy has led towards the closed hand. You may then be relatively ignorant of what lies behind you. This major difference, often underestimated, has an important bearing on both the importance and nature of defensive signaling, that is, when to give attitude, count, suit preference, or other relevant information--typically solidity or the lack of it--in the hand currently being played.

This book considers defensive problems arising after the opening lead and dummy have been tabled and play has proceeded for one or more tricks. The tools include switching, ruffing, blockages, endplays, squeeze plays, and communications.

Seventy-six problems, followed by their solutions, give you the chance to demonstrate your new-found knowledge.



Masterpiece Deals:
A Gallery of Beautiful Card Play

Augie Boehm


84 pp.


Brilliance in bridge has its own kind of beauty, like a brilliant work of art. What I happen to admire most are the moments when a player produces a master stroke of card play, a striking move that would elude even the majority of experts because it involves the highly unusual. This book features card plays of such creativity and imagination that I believe they deserve to be preserved as museum pieces to engage appreciative audiences, both present and future. As we promenade through the galleries, you are offered the chance not only to admire the artistry but also to follow the artist's thought process.

"This is an enjoyable, fast read . . . priced accordingly."
--The Bridge World



Matchpoints Versus IMPs:
Different Games, Different Strategies

Augie Boehm


140 pp.


Matchpoint and IMP events are based on very different scoring systems. Matchpoint scoring rewards the frequency of gain; how often do you find the winning action? IMP scoring rewards the amount of gain, the same basis for rubber bridge. Each form of competition is distinctive, and a successful, well-rounded player must master a broad range of strategies. This book looks at the tantalizing question of which form of scoring is the more skillful, examines the role of luck, and shows how to pick a personal style. This book, like my books on demon doubling and 3NT, is intended for the intermediate and advanced intermediate club and tournament player.



More Breaking the Rules:
Second Hand Play

Barry Rigal and Josh Donn


226 pp.


To master bridge, we need to learn the rules and algorithms that govern the game, but we must also take them with a pinch of salt. The "rules," or best practices, are there because they work. But not always. The more deals you play, the more you realize that context determines whether or not you should follow the general principles that operate successfully more often than not.

And that is what this book is about. We go beyond the basic rules that, in a vacuum, provide helpful advice. After all, one cannot play bridge in a vacuum. Sometimes you need to break the rules. This volume, for advanced intermediate players, deals exclusively with second hand play, both by declarer and the defenders.



Outsmart the Bridge Experts

Danny Roth


168 pp.


This is the fourth in the series of bridge problems highlighting hands which have been reported in books, magazines and newspapers in which the 'expert' has either misanalyzed the problem or totally missed the point of the hand.

The book presents more than 60 problems in declarer play or defense, bringing the reader to the critical moment of decision--but also sometimes well short of it or past it, a more realistic simulation of the heat of the battle at the table. The reader 'pits wits' against the expert who faced the same decision and whose (mis)play is then analyzed. Bridge is learned by mistakes and this book is excellent material for eliminating them by showing readers how to tackle problems and what analysis is required.

The book is best enjoyed by those who play club and tournament bridge as well as ambitious social players who are keen to improve their game.



Private Sessions:
A Bridge Education

August W. Boehm


230 pp.
(hard cover)

Ships only to US addresses


The best way to enjoy bridge, and win more often, is to learn how to think. This is the essence of Augie Boehm's Private Sessions, now available through HNB Publishing. In its pages, Augie reveals:

How to improve your bridge memory
The benefits of visualization
The fine points of hand evaluation
Passing--how it is the secret weapon
What a singleton honor is really worth
The importance of the fourth trump
The value of timing during the bidding and play, and at the table
Secrets of successful declarer play

 "Boehm's book has the sort of stuff that no one ever explains. It is bound to make you a better bridge player."
--Zia Mahmood

"Augie Boehm's Private Sessions is loaded with fresh, valuable material. A dialogue between student and teacher is a great way to learn, and Boehm is a witty professor."
--Larry Cohen



Test Your Bidding
Against the Experts

Danny Roth


204 pp.


There are a number of areas in bidding in which players at all levels demonstrate room for improvement. This includes bridge experts, whose (mis)bidding of actual hands constitutes the 140 problems in this book.

Each chapter starts with 10 thematically linked bidding problems. In each case, you will be told where you are sitting and the conditions of play; any relevant conventional bidding and other information will be clearly explained. The problems are then repeated with a discussion of recommended answers ranked from a "perfect 10" downwards. Keeping score will help you assess how you are progressing through the book.

You will need to recognize which type of problem is being illustrated and show how to handle it. My most important requirement is that you understand what you are doing rather than make a bid because "some expert told you to do so." That understanding represents the difference between the winning and the losing player. Enjoy your journey!



Test Your Bridge Analysis
Against the Experts


Danny Roth


160 pp.


In this latest book on hands that were played by experts and reported by expert writers, Roth presents 70 hands on play, defense, and opening leads where the play (using teams⠉MP scoring throughout) or analysis or both were less than expert. Roth takes the reader through the bidding and early play, up to the critical point篲, in the interest of reality糯metimes short of or past it, challenging the reader to figure out what that critical point is.

Rothâ³ thorough discussion of each hand then takes the reader through how the play or analysis, even when it met with a successful result, could have been improved to ensure the best possible chances for success.

Rothâ³ goal throughout is to help the reader enjoy the problems and benefit by making mistakes away from the table, when it does not matter, rather than during actual play, when it does.



Test Your Bridge Brain
Against the Experts

Danny Roth


142 pp.


This book offers a collection of hands that were played at the top level and reported by expert writers and commentators in newspapers, books, or magazines, but where mistakes and misanalyses occurred. These mistakes include some obvious blunders, but most are subtler. In many cases, the misplay went unpunished, thanks to inattentive opponents or a fortunate card distribution. Over the course of a match, however, consistently making the best play will win out.

The path to success is not so much by executing brilliancies as by eliminating errors on the more straightforward hands. I am inviting readers to use this same approach to solve 66 problems in play and defense as well as opening-lead problems. For all of the hands presented, we shall see the way the hands were played at the table (using teamsâ ‰MP scoring throughout) and then, on turning the page, how they should have been played and analyzed.



Test Your Opening Leads
Against the Experts

Danny Roth


144 pp.


The opening lead is the only card played while the dummy's (North's) hand is still concealed and is therefore one of the most difficult parts of the game. While there is a luck element and it is very easy to be "wise afterwards," deciding which suit to attack (and which card in that suit to play) is crucial. The fate of countless contracts depends on the opening lead.

This book presents dozens of opening-lead problems that I have collected over many years and on which a number of "experts" have gone wrong--in my opinion, unnecessarily.

Topics include lead systems, the relevance of bidding, studying options, assessing ruffing potential, establishing tricks, anticipating enemy action, and creating diversions. A series of tests follow. Hopefully, you will gain the skills and confidence to be regarded by your partner and opponents alike as a fearless leader.



Test Your Play and Defense
Against the Experts

Danny Roth


166 pp.


This book offers a collection of 72 hands that have been played at the top level and reported by writers and commentators, but where mistakes and misanalyses have abounded. Readers are invited to find the best line of play/defense so that success does not depend on lucky distribution or opponents' misplays.

For most hands, the bidding and play are described up to the critical moment, but occasionally Roth stops well short of, or goes well past, the crucial trick; obviously, this is far more realistic. The goal is for readers to be able to form a full analysis of how they expect the play to proceed, right up to the end.



Three Notrump in Depth

Augie Boehm


176 pp.


Part I of this book will equip you with a variety of useful, easy-to-master bidding tools to help you and partner discover when to grab the 3NT brass ring, and, just as important, when to avoid it. Reaching good 3NT contracts doesn't confer an automatic bonus-there is that niggling rule about needing to make what you bid. So, Part II is dedicated to the play of 3NT. Since you are apt to defend 3NT twice as often as you declare (50% versus 25%), defensive counters are given full weight.



Wielding the Axe:
The Vanishing Art of the Penalty Double

Augie Boehm


162 pp.


Nothing exemplifies the keen competitive spirit of tournament bridge better than the penalty double. Anytime a final contract is doubled, the stakes are raised--not just the score but the implied mano a mano challenge. When you acquire a feel for opportunistic penalty doubles, you have added a potent weapon to your arsenal. Your courage to double freely and wisely will make you a respected and feared opponent. And if the opponents occasionally make a doubled contract against you, be consoled by what a mentor taught me: if they never make a doubled contract, you aren't doubling often enough. This book, like my books on demon doubling and 3NT, is intended for the intermediate and advanced intermediate club and tournament player.





Amino Acids:
Chromatographic Separation and Enantioresolution

Ravi Bhushan and Juergen Martens


322 pp.
(hard cover)


Amino acids are important biological compounds that are associated with peptides and proteins, and occupy an important position in the food and pharmaceutical industries. With their simple structures and the ready availability of both enantiomers, amino acids not only serve as a chiral pool for synthesis but also provide an inexpensive pool for resolution studies as either the racemate for resolution or the chiral selector for resolution of racemic mixtures of several other compounds. The development of analytical methods that can be applied for separation and identification and resolution of enantiomers of chiral compounds, including the control of optical purity, remains an area of interest and importance.



Antioxidant Vitamins and Health:
Cardiovascular Disease, Cancer, Cataracts,
and Aging

Claude Fernand Bourgeois


310 pp.


Antioxidant Vitamins and Health is about the role played by antioxidant nutrients in the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases and conditions. The book begins with some background on free radicals, the reactive oxygen species generated in vivo, then describes the mechanism of antioxidation and the antioxidant defenses of humans. Each of the succeeding chapters covers a main topic: cardiovascular disease, cancer, cataracts, and aging. The most important epidemiological studies carried out over the past two decades are thoroughly discussed and compared. The results are summarized in a concluding chapter, and an extensive list of references is provided.

The book will appeal to researchers in the fields of antioxidants, cardiovascular disease, cancer, cataracts, and aging; nutritional scientists; and students in these disciplines.

 Excellent source of the very extensive literature that has been reported on the antioxidant field over the last 30 years....A valuable resource for any health professional who wants to work in this area."
--British Journal of Nutrition

"Of interest to scientists and graduate students conducting or planning to conduct research on the effects of antioxidants and oxidative stress on chronic disease risk."

--The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition



Capillary Electrochromatography and
Capillary Electrochromatography

Ira S. Krull, Robert L. Stevenson, and Kavita Mistry,
with Michael E. Swartz


240 pp.


This book covers the theory, instrumentation, and specific uses and applications, including advantages and limitations, of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) and pressurized flow CEC (PEC). In so doing, it compares CEC/PEC with more conventional modes of separation and discusses method transfer from other chromatographic techniques to CEC.

Aimed at those first approaching applications in CEC/PEC, the book is an invaluable introduction for analytical chemists involved in methods development, optimization, and validation for any analytes already undergoing analysis by chromatographic or electrophoretic techniques, including analytical chemists, analytical biochemists, molecular biologists, immunologists, pharmaceutical scientists, medicinal chemists, pharmacists, environmental chemists, and industrial chemists



Contemporary Microscale
Separation Technology

Chao Yan


342 pp.


Microscale separations offer fast separation and analysis with high efficiency, resolution, and selectivity; in addition, solvent and sample consumption are 10,000 times lower than with HPLC. This book reviews the most popular microscale chromatographic and electrokinetic separation techniques, including capillary electrophoresis (CE), capillary electrochromatography (CEC), pressurized CEC (pCEC), micellar electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC), capillary isoelectric focusing (CIEF), capillary gel electrophoresis (CGE), capillary isotachophoresis (CITP), and capillary liquid chromatography (CLC), as well as microchip-based LC and multidimensional capillary separations. Theory, instrumentation, and applications of these techniques are covered. This book will help professional chemists and graduate students develop new methods and improve existing methods for analyzing complex samples in the pharmaceutical, biological, environmental, and chemical fields.



Drug Development Perspectives:
Considerations, Challenges, and Strategies

Nuggehally R. Srinivas


328 pp.
(hard cover)


In present-day drug development, alignment of functional expertise is important for understanding, strategizing, and operationalizing drug development initiatives. The lessons learned from a drug development cycle can contribute immensely to the overall understanding of drug development. In-depth case histories and outside-the-box thinking can help formulate pragmatic approaches in approaching some commonly occurring developmental issues.


To better appreciate the complexities and intricacies of drug development, different functions involved in the drug development process are presented as unique chapters. Topics include bioanalysis, allometry, CYP metabolism, PK simulations, combinations of diverse clinical pharmacology, and PK considerations, with an emphasis on genetic polymorphism.


The book is intended for a wide range of scientists in late drug discovery, preclinical, and clinical stages of drug development in pharmaceutical and biotech industries, and for university and academic researchers.



Electroanalytical Methods in
Pharmaceutical Analysis and
Their Validation

Sibel A. Ozkan


350 pp.


With their high sensitivity and appropriateness for measuring redox reactions, electroanalytical methods are ideal for pharmaceutical analysis. This book focuses on the selection, use, and validation of electroanalytical methods for pharmaceutically active compounds, covering the most widely used electroanalytical methods and instrumentation. Specific applications are provided and organized in extensively referenced tales. A long concluding chapter on validation discusses method development, the necessary parameters, and their calculation. This book will be of considerable interest to pharmaceutical and analytical research chemists in not only the pharmaceutical industry, but also in R&D, food, environmental, and regulatory laboratories, as well as to post-graduate students in these disciplines.



HPLC of Acyl Lipids

edited by Jiann-Tsyh Lin and
Thomas A. McKeon


572 pp.


Lipids are of obvious importance in medicine, health, industry, agriculture, and biotechnology. Fatty acids can be separated by GC; however, fatty acid-derived complicated lipids cannot be separated well by GC. HPLC is the separation technique of choice. This book covers every class of lipids and HPLC techniques, with a concentration on fatty acid-derived lipids.



Microthermal Field-Flow Fractionation

Josef Janča


248 pp.


Microthermal field-flow fractionation (micro-TFFF) is a new method of polymer and particle separation and analysis based on the effect of thermal diffusion (Ludwig-Soret effect); the relationships between molecular characteristics of the separated macromolecular and particulate species such as molar mass, particle size, chemical nature, and composition; and their distribution and separation characteristics such as retention. The book begins with a description of the theoretical principles of FFF, which apply equally to micro-TFFF, although the latter technique offers a number of important operational advantages, including superior cold-wall temperature regulation. Practical analytical aspects of experimental data analysis are discussed in detail. Typical methodological applications of micro-TFFF are given for polymers and particles of synthetic, natural, or biological origin. The book will be of interest to university and R&D scientists involved in the analysis and characterization of polymers, biopolymers, particles, and biological cells in polymer chemistry, colloid and interface science, microbiology, and the environmental sciences



Okra Handbook:
Global Production, Processing, and
Crop Improvement

B. S. Dhankhar and Ram Singh


476 pp.


Okra's potential as an oilseed crop and its drought tolerance in a world facing global warming underscore its growing importance. Yet, there has been no book exclusively on okra. This book synthesizes the scientific information on various aspects of okra by global experts in their fields of specialization to provide a single source of in-depth and detailed information.



Time-Resolved Inverse
Gas Chromatography

Nicholas A. Katsanos and George Karaiskakis


180 pp.


This book provides an easy way to use time-resolved chemistry, allowing inverse gas chromatography to become time resolved and therefore to record local with respect to time adsorption energies, local monolayer capacities local isotherms, energy distribution functions, adsorption rates with lateral molecular interactions, surface diffusion coefficients, effectiveness factors in heterogeneous catalysis, and surface energy on heterogeneous surfaces of solids. Important practical applications of time-resolved inverse gas chromatography in various scientific and industrial fields are included. The book will appeal to chromatographers, materials scientists, and investigators of heterogeneous catalysis and interfacial science, as well as researchers and postgraduate students in analytical and environmental chemistry.



Wear Analysis for Engineers

Raymond G. Bayer


360 pp.


This book guides engineers on the proper analysis of wear situations and the utilization of qualitative and quantitative methods to identify solutions to wear problems. The emphasis is on how to do a successful wear analysis. With its clear descriptions, helpful photographs, and insightful case histories, this book covers the recommended techniques for performing analyses.

This is a book that all practicing hardware or materials engineers concerned with the wear of mechanical components will want to own.





Globalization and Human Resource Management: Adapting Successful UN Practices to the
Private and Public Sectors

Fatima Fernandez


300 pp.


While multinational corporations have struggled with international HR problems over decades, the United Nations organizations have developed a well-functioning career development system in a multicultural environment that is one of the most remarkable success stories of the United Nations. Globalization and Human Resource Management is the first book to compare the HRM strategies and practices of the UN system to those of the private sector and show how to modify them to suit the objectives of MNCs. The implications are straightforward and will have immediate practical impact.

As the US dollar has significantly depreciated, US companies are, now more than ever, seeking business opportunities overseas. At the same time, they have to master ostracizing cultural challenges. Globalization and Human Resource Management is must reading for decision makers in international business, including HR managers, CEOs, COOs, CFOs, business development managers, sales & marketing managers, public relations managers, and other corporate strategists.

 "I am very impressed by the book's breadth and its depth. HR practitioners in the private sector as well as in government and other nonprofit organizations will benefit a great deal from the work."

--Norbert Wetzel, Former IBM Regional HR Director for Central and Eastern Europe, the Near and the Middle East, and Africa



Managing Change in the Workplace:
A 12-Step Program for Success

Ralph L. Kliem and Irwin S. Ludin


140 pp.


Santa Claus is in trouble. His workshop at the North Pole has been cruising along for centuries, but Santa now finds his customer base--the world's children--dissatisfied. He realizes that changes are necessary but discovers that implementing them is another matter altogether. Through trial and error, Santa learns that change is not about modeling, restructuring, pay increases, or bellowing orders. It is about people believing in change and wanting it to happen.

Lively and entertaining, Managing Change in the Workplace takes the reader along the often bumpy path of introducing an organization to change. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of change and concludes with a handy checklist to guide the reader around the obstacles to change. Based on solid management principles, Managing Change in the Workplace will have strong appeal for management consultants, project managers, corporate trainers, and CEOs and other executives implementing organization-wide initiatives.

The entertaining manner . . . kept me glued to the book. . . . The book is realistic in terms of the struggles that any leader and business face. It humanizes the various characters. It has covered powerful learning points in a precise manner."
International Journal of Manpower

"The treatment of the subject shows exceptional maturity and deep knowledge of the authors."
Project Management



Marketing to the European Laboratory:
A Guide to Doing Business in Europe

Robert L. Stevenson and Peter J. Jenks


314 pp.


A comprehensive guide for American chemical, pharmaceutical, instrument, and laboratory supply companies marketing to or manufacturing in the European Union or considering expanding operations overseas. Covers the current market, selling arrangements, packaging and quality issues, regulatory and export law, environmental and currency concerns, and other business practices of the new Europe. A detailed analysis of distribution contracts provides insight into avoiding conflict and maximizing the potential of establishing business abroad. Includes a special section on marketing to Asia. Essential reading for business development and export managers as well as any executive involved in planning or executing the globalization of the business.



Work Transformation:
Planning and Implementing the
New Workplace

Ken Robertson with a Foreword by Gil Gordon


306 pp.


This book explains how an organization can integrate human resources, facilities management, and information technology strategies to deliver improved bottom-line results while fostering a workplace environment that is more satisfying. Focusing on optimizing the enabling technologies of the new workplace, Work Transformation is an invaluable resource for:

Facilities managers
Information technology managers
Human resources managers
Corporate/commercial real estate professionals
Office designers and architects
Telecommunications and office furniture equipment suppliers

"Ken Robertson's excellent book belongs on every facility manager's shelf. In fact, it belongs also on the shelf of every executive responsible for human resources, information systems, and telecommunications."
Canadian Facility Management & Design

"The tips and insights provided in the areas of human resources, technology, and design create a useful roadmap for anyone responsible for implementing an alternative officing program."
Franklin Becker, Professor of Design and Environmental Analysis, Cornell University; Author of Workplace by Design

"Captures the very essence of work transformation . . . presenting solid foundations, realistic analyses, and user-friendly evaluation tools."
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"Thoughtful and thought provoking"
Telecommuting Review

"Substantive and detailed"
Canadian HR Reporter

"Easy to read, well structured, and full of useful content, demonstrating Robertson's thorough grasp of a range of organisational issues"
Flexibility: The Interactive Forum on New Ways of Working"

"A welcome addition to the growing body of literature in this field."
International Flexwork Forum



Teddy Bears

A Bear's-Eye View of 101 Notable Figures
in History

Barbara Boehm


48 pp.
(hard cover)



More than 100 notable characters, spanning a variety of eras, occupations, and backgrounds, are presented in glossy photographs with informative and entertaining captions. History made fun for young readers and their adult companions.


Adam and Eve | Marie Antoinette | Karel Appel | Johnny Appleseed | Charles Atlas | Richard Avedon | Christian Barnard | Ludwig van Beethoven | Busby Berkeley | Theobald Boehm | Daniel Boone | Lizzie Borden | Louis Braille | Luther Burbank | Richard Cadbury | Fidel Castro | Charlie Chaplin | Edward Cope | Marie Curie | Charles Darwin | Dorothy Day | Jack Dempsey | Babe Didrickson | Dione quintuplets | Amelia Earheart | Leif Erikson | Jean-Henri Fabre | Max Factor | Jim Fixx | John Flamsteed | Margot Fonteyn | St. Francis of Assisi| Elbridge Gerry | Euell Gibbons | Red Grange | Hetty Green | Johannes Gutenberg | Henry Heimlich | Jimi Hendrix | Sonja Henie | Billie Holiday | Willie Hoppe | Harry Houdini | Joan of Arc | John Paul II| Casey Jones | W. K. Kellog | Emmet Kelly | John Maynard Keynes | William Kidd | Alfred Kinsey | Sophie Kurys | Edwin Land | Bruce Lee | William Levitt | Shari Lewis | Thomas Lipton | Konrad Lorenz | Juliette Gordon Low | Manolete | Bat Masterson | Mary Milton | Carmen Miranda | Carrie Nation | Nero | Florence Nightingale | Alfred Nobel | Tenzing Norgay | Annie Oakley | Ivan Pavlov | Pele | Emily Post | Margaret Reed | Jackie Robinson | Auguste Rodin | Wilhelm Roentgen | Teddy Roosevelt | Giacamo Rossini | Wilma Rudolph | Earl of Sandwich | Satchidanada | Wilbur Scoville | William Shakespeare | Mary Shelley | Smokey Bear | Boris Spassky | Percy Spencer | Benjamin Spock | Margaret Steiff | George Stephen | Antonio Stradivario | Robert Stroud | Shirley Temple | Harold Vanderbilt | Karl Wallenda | Andy Warhol | Laura Ingalls Wilder | Esther Williams | Evelyn Wood | Fay Wray | Wright brothers



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